gigAtec SA

NFC in laundry rooms

January 2024

The use of cash in a communal laundry has always been a headache for both the user and the building manager: the need to empty the till, to keep accounts, theft and depredation.Keycom SA, a Neuchâtel-based company, commissioned gigAtec SA to develop a high-performance electronic solution to simplify and secure access and use of these communal areas.

Digitalization of the key
A small NFC card that can simply be attached to a key ring or stored without a wallet enables access to and use of the laundry, thanks to a proprietary encoding algorithm developed by gigAtec to secure these cards against fraud and copying.
Keycom SA also offers a complete management application for the the landlord and a mobile application for the user.
The new box can not only read cards via NFC, but also use the new Application via Bluetooth (BLE) for iPhone and Android.

This authentication system is part of a global digital solution that includes user account recharging via Twint, online machine reservation and a hotline that can be accessed at any time by creating tickets online via the mobile application offered by Keycom SA.
However, compatibility with older electronic keys has been retained to make life easier for seniors.
Keycom SA has more than 15,000 satisfied users, and 400 buildings have already opted for this new solution.

gigAtec SA has developed this reliable, robust and durable solution, and is also responsible for its production.

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